Modeling atomic structures

The Crystal Class

Diffraction experiments rely on the redundancy of crystals to get good experimental signals; hence, handling crystal models is the main feature of the skued.structure subpackage.

Constructing a Crystal object

Creating a Crystal object can be done most easily from a Crystal Information File (CIF, .cif):

from skued import Crystal

TiSe2 = Crystal.from_cif('tise2.cif')

Scikit-ued also has an internal database of CIF files. Valid names are stored in Crystal.builtins and can be constructed like so:

assert 'Au' in Crystal.builtins
gold = Crystal.from_database('Au')

Protein DataBank files are even easier to handle; simply provide the 4-letter identification code and the structure file will be taken care of by scikit-ued:

hemoglobin = Crystal.from_pdb('1gzx')

Another convenient way to construct a Crystal is through the Crystallography Open Database:

# Default is the latest revision
vo2 = Crystal.from_cod(1521124)

# Revisions are accessible as well
old_vo2 = Crystal.from_cod(1521124, revision = 140771)

Constructing a Crystal object by hand

If you don’t have a file on hand, or want to create an idealized crystal, consider building a Crystal object by hand.

To do this, you need: 1. iterable of Atom objects, with coordinates. These atoms must be the full unit cell; 2. three lattice vectors;

As an example, let’s create the simplest crystal structure known: alpha-Polonium (simple cubic):

from skued import Crystal, Atom
import numpy as np

lattice_vectors = 3.35 * np.eye(3)
unitcell = [Atom('Po', coords = [0,0,0])]

polonium = Crystal(unitcell, lattice_vectors)

In the case where atoms are given as an asymmetric unit cell and a set of symmetry operators, you can use the symmetry_expansion() function to generate a set of unique atoms (even if some symmetry operators might be redundant). The generated set of atoms can be passed to the constructor of Crystal.

Crystal attributes

The Crystal object provides some interfaces for easy structure manipulation. First, a Crystal is an iterable:

from skued import Crystal
graphite = Crystal.from_database('C')

for atm in graphite:    #Loops over atoms in the unit cell

The len() of a Crystal is the unit cell size (in number of atoms):

c = Crystal.from_pdb('1gzx') # hemoglobin
len(c)                           `# 17536

The Crystal class is a set-like container; checking containership (with the builtin in statement) is very fast:

graphite = Crystal.from_database('C')
carbon = next(iter(graphite))

assert carbon in graphite

Crystal instances can be equated to each other:

gold = Crystal.from_database('Au')
silver = Crystal.from_database('Ag')

assert gold == silver # false

If a Crystal was generated from a file, the path to its file can be retrieved from the source attribute:

c = Crystal.from_pdb('1gzx')

Crystal instances have a nice string representation (with str()), and a complete string representation (with repr()):

lsmo = Crystal.from_database(‘LSMO’) print(str(lsmo)) # Short string representation print(repr(lsmo)) # Complete string representation

Crystal instances can be converted to NumPy arrays as well:

import numpy
arr = numpy.array(Crystal.from_database('Si'))

arr will contain one row per unit cell atom:

Atomic Number Fractional coordinates
Z1 x1 y1 z1
Z2 x2 y2 z2
Z3 x3 y3 z3

Lattice vectors and reciprocal space

Once a Crystal object is ready, you can manipulate the lattice parameters via the underlying Lattice super-class. Let’s use the built-in example of graphite:

from skued import Crystal
graphite = Crystal.from_database('C')

a1, a2, a3 = graphite.lattice_vectors
b1, b2, b3 = graphite.reciprocal_vectors

The standard three lengths and angles description of a lattice is also accessible:

a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = graphite.lattice_parameters

The unit cell volume (and by extensions, density) is also accessible:

vol = graphite.volume   # Angstroms cubed
density = vol/len(graphite)

As a lattice can be fully described by its basis vectors, a NumPy array can be created from a Lattice instance.

Space-group Information

The lattice system of a Lattice or Crystal instance is also available via the lattice_system attribute:

vo2 = Crystal.from_database('vo2-m1') # Monoclinic M1 VO2
print(vo2.lattice_system)             # = 'monoclinic'

Better control on length tolerances is available via the lattice_system() function.

Thanks to spglib, we can get space-group information from a Crystal instance:

from skued import Crystal

gold = Crystal.from_database('Au')
spg_info = gold.spacegroup_info()

In the above example, spg_info is a dictionary with the following keys:

  • 'international_symbol': International Tables of Crystallography space-group symbol (short);
  • 'international_full': International Tables of Crystallography space-group full symbol;
  • 'hall_symbol' : Hall symbol;
  • 'pointgroup' : International Tables of Crystallography point-group;
  • 'international_number' : International Tables of Crystallography space-group number (between 1 and 230);
  • 'hall_number' : Hall number (between 1 and 531).

Scattering utilities

Lattice objects have a few methods that make life easier when dealing with scattering data and modeling.

The conversion between Miller indices and scattering vectors is available:

from skued import Crystal
graphite = Crystal.from_database('C')

# Behavior inherited from Lattice superclass
G = graphite.scattering_vector(1,0,0)
h, k, l = graphite.miller_indices(G) #1, 0, 0

Compatibility with ASE

The Atomic Simulation Environment is a powerful tool. You can harness its power and convert between ase.Atoms and skued.Crystal at will.

To create an ase.Atoms object from a Crystal, use the Crystal.ase_atoms() method:

from ase.calculators.abinit import Abinit
from skued import Crystal

gold = Crystal.from_database('Au')
ase_gold = gold.ase_atoms(calculator = Abinit(...))

All keywords of the ase.Atoms constructor are supported. To get back to a Crystal instance:

gold2 = Crystal.from_ase(ase_gold)

The Atom Class

The basis of structure manipulations is to manipulate atoms. Atom objects are in the category of Transformable objects, meaning that their coordinates can be transformed according to any affine transform.

To create an atom, simply provide its element and coordinates:

from skued import Atom

copper = Atom(element = 'Cu', coords = [0,0,0])

Optional information can be given, such as magnetic moment and mean-squared displacement. For users of ase, another possibility is to instantiate an Atom from an ase.Atom using the Atom.from_ase() constructor.

Atom instances are hashable; they can be used as dict keys or stored in a set.

Since we are most concerned with atoms in crystals, the coordinates here are assumed to be fractional. The real-space position with respect to a Crystal or Lattice can be accessed using the xyz() method:

    from skued import Crystal
    graphite = Crystal.from_database('C')

carbon = list(graphite)[-1]
fractional = carbon.coords
real = = graphite)

The distance between two atoms can be calculated by taking their difference:

copper = Atom('Cu', coords = [0,0,0])
silver = Atom('Ag', coords = [1,0,0])
dist = silver - copper                  # distance in fractional coordinates

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