- skued.itrack_peak(images, row_slice=None, col_slice=None, precision=0.1)
Generator function that tracks a diffraction peak in a stream of images.
- Parameters:
images (iterable of array-like) – Iterable of diffraction images. This function also supports generators.
row_slice (slice or None, optional) – Slice object for which image rows to use. If None (default), all rows are used.
col_slice (slice or None, optional) – Slice object for which image columns to use. If None (default), all columns are used.
precision (float, optional) – Precision of the tracking in pixels. A precision of 1/10 (default) means that the tracking will be precise up to 1/10 of a pixel.
- Yields:
shift (~numpy.ndarray, shape (2,)) – [row, col] shifts of the peak with respect to the position of this peak in the first image.