Please refer to the tutorial on baseline-determination for some examples.
Iterative method of baseline-determination based on the dual-tree complex wavelet transform. |
Iterative method of baseline determination, based on the discrete wavelet transform. |
1D Dual-tree complex wavelet transform [1]_ along an axis. |
1D Inverse dual-tree complex wavelet transform [1]_ along an axis. |
Iterable of available wavelet filters compatible with the dual-tree complex wavelet transform. |
Iterable of available wavelet filters compatible with the first stage of dual-tree complex wavelent transform. |
Structure manipulation
Structure manipulation is provided by the crystals library. A summary of the documentation is provided below.
The |
Container object for atomic data. |
Bases classes
The Lattice
class allows for manipulating lattice information separately from
atomic information.
Container class for lattice information and manipulations. |
Lattice system enumeration. |
Base class for atomic structures. |
Structure parsers are used to build Crystal
instances, mostly through Crystal
class methods.
Collection of methods that parses CIF files based on cif2cell. |
Collection of methods that parses CIF files retrieved from the Crystallography Open Database. |
Collection of methods that parses Protein DataBank (PDB) files. |
Time-series Analysis
Time-series exploration and analysis.
Time-zero tracking
Measurement of time-shifts between physically-equivalent time traces:
Measure the time shift between a time trace and a reference trace by normalized cross correlation. |
Measure the time shifts between time traces and a reference by cross-correlation. |
Robust statistics
Element-wise median absolute deviation (MAD) of a signal. |
Exponential curve with onset. |
Bi-exponential curve with onset. |
This decorator factory that applies a Gaussian impulse response function (IRF) to a fitting function. |
Non-uniform Fast Fourier Transform
Non-uniform Fast Fourier Transform (NFFT) computed on a uniform frequency grid. |
Compute the frequency range used in nfft for M frequency bins. |
Time-series Selections
Abstract base class for time-series selection masks. |
Rectangular selection mask. |
Disk selection mask. |
Ring selection mask, i.e. 2-torus. |
Selection patch for a partial 2-torus. |
Arbirary selection mask, represented by a boolean array. |
Image Analysis
Combine the routines below with npstreams to process diffraction data in parallel. Refer to the tutorial on image manipulation for some examples.
Returns an images averaged according to n-fold rotational symmetry. |
Symmetrize an image according to a reflection plane. |
Polycrystalline diffraction
This function returns an azimuthally-averaged pattern computed from an image, e.g. |
Determine the scattering vector q corresponding to a polycrystalline diffraction pattern and a known crystal structure. |
Find the center of a diffraction pattern automatically. |
Image alignment
Align a diffraction image to a reference. |
Generator of aligned diffraction images. |
Generator function that tracks a diffraction peak in a stream of images. |
Image masking
Determine binary mask from a set of images. |
Combine multiple pixel masks into one. |
Fill invalid pixels in an image with another value, according to a pixel mask. |
Image noise
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on a per-pixel basis, for images in a collection. |
Streaming, pixelwise signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). |
Trim values in an array that fall below (i.e. |
Trim values in an array that fall above (i.e. |
Single-crystal indexing
Extract the position of Bragg peaks in a single-crystal diffraction pattern. |
Extract the position of Bragg peaks in a single-crystal diffraction pattern using 2D persistence of the image landscape. |
Generate Brillouin zone projections in the particular 2D geometry based on Bragg peak locations. |
Computation of the static structure factor for electron diffraction. |
Atomic form factors for electrons, for neutral atoms. |
Simulates polycrystalline diffraction pattern. |
Propagate a plane wave through a crystal and compute the resulting diffraction pattern, in the kinematic approximation (thin specimen). |
Electrostatic potential from a crystal calculated on a real-space mesh, assuming an infinite crystal. |
Projected electrostatic potential from a crystal calculated on a real-space mesh, assuming an infinite crystal in x and y. |
Compute the electrostatic potential from powder diffraction data. |
Synthesize the electrostatic potential from a list of experimental reflections and associated diffracted intensities. |
Computation of the patterson pair-distribution function from azimuthally-averaged diffraction pattern. |
General diffraction image I/O and plotting. Note that
for diffshow()
, the packages PyQtGraph and PyQt5 must be
Load an image from a file. |
Display an image (from an array or from a file) in an interactive window. |
You should prefer to use diffread()
to the specific format
functions like mibread()
and dmread()
Digital Micrograph DM3/DM4:
Read a DM3/DM4 (Digital Micrograph) file into a NumPy array. |
Merlin Image Binary (.mib) files:
Get an image header from a Merlin Image Binary file. |
Read a MIB (Merlin Image Binary) file into a NumPy array. |
Generator of images contained in a Merlin Image Binary file as NumPy arrays. |
Plot Utilities
Generates a set of RGB colors corresponding to the visible spectrum (i.e. |
Rainbow-style Matplotlib colormap generated from |
Generate a set of RGB colors as a linear sweep between two RGB colors source and dest. |
Returns a Matplotlib-compatible string representation of Miller indices, in LaTeX/Mathjax format. |
Array Utilities
Reverse array over many axes. |
Create a composite array from repeated copies of an array |
Transform cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates. |
Transform polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates. |
Transform cartesian coordinates into spherical coordinates . |
Transform spherical coordinates into cartesian coordinates. |
Generate a spatial mesh for a plane defined by two vectors. |
Electron Properties
Relativistic wavelength \(\lambda\) of an accelerated electron. |
Relativistic velocity \(v_e\) of an accelerated electron. |
Interaction parameter from relativistic electron wavelength. |
Relativistic factor \(\gamma\), defined as \(\gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - v^2/c^2}}\) |
Thin Film Optical Properties
Calculate the reflection, transmission, and absorption coefficients of a thin-film (possibly on a substrate). |
Voigt Profile
Unit integral Gaussian function. |
Unit integral Lorenzian function. |
Unit integral pseudo-Voigt profile. |
Affine Transforms
Extends 3x3 transform matrices to 4x4, i.e. general affine transforms. |
Applies a matrix transform on an array. |
Returns the matrix that goes from one basis to the other. |
Changes the basis of meshgrid arrays. |
Returns true if the set of vectors forms a basis. |
Checks whether a matrix is orthogonal with unit determinant (1 or -1), properties of rotation matrices. |
Returns a periodic array according to the minimum image convention. |
Return matrix to rotate about axis defined by direction around the origin [0,0,0]. |
Return matrix to translate by direction vector. |
Returns a 4x4 matrix that includes a rotation and a translation. |